Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Family Home Media

It is usually not super easy for us to find a series we can all sit down and watch together, but that is usually the model of media use in our home.  I just usually end up falling asleep during Scooby-Doo (no matter much I love my childhood nostalgia), or many others.  But we enjoy reading books together, going to movies together, listening to music and dancing together, we like the party games on the wii so we can all play, so why should home video stuff be any different?

We are pretty picky about what we allow on our screens, because it better be worth the time you invest in it.  There is more good TV than you should ever really have time to watch, so don’t lower your standards!
We like this model because it makes media consumption intentional.  Like a book, you want to sit and read so you do.  It is intentional and the consumer is in charge.
Patterns of intentional use will HOPEFULLY then help the kids to manage their media consumption, manage mindless web-surfing, etc.

Shows we have watched as a family with the kiddos:
Transformers (only the first season of course)
G.I Joe (only the 5-part mini-series’ thank you)
Adventures of Tin Tin
Scooby-Doo Where are You? (old stuff only, please)
Tom & Jerry Cartoons (the kids call it ‘cat and mouse’)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Now, we have sometimes had a difficult time drawing some lessons to learn from these.  But enjoying them together is also a goal, and it helps us have common experiences upon which we can draw and share at the dinner table.

Programs we look forward to enjoying together:

Little House on the Prairie
Get Smart
Star Trek (Kirk and Picard)
Kung Fu

(and I would love suggestions if you have any to add to the list.  Please don’t be afraid to also recommend best seasons, as many shows are worthwhile for a season or two, but then no more—usually the rule of three at most)

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